It is heartening to see that there are lots of businesses across Northern Ireland taking the bull by the horns and embracing the goal of reaching net zero. They are doing this not just for the greater good and to reduce the impact of climate change, but to position themselves to benefit from the opportunities that will be accrued from reaching net zero.
Business Action On Climate Helping With The Transition

There are businesses large and small that are making big strides towards this goal. Business Action on Climate are helping with the transition, they have engineered the Climate Action Pledge which encourages businesses to set and achieve ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets. Here are a few snippets from a very good article on the 4ni website which discusses how businesses are applying more sustainable practices. The article reads:
Reduced Reliance on Resources and Zero-Waste Policies
‘For a lot of businesses who want to become more sustainable, the main factor that is driving them to take action is environmental. With that being said, there are some wider business benefits too. By becoming more sustainable, companies across Ireland are taking advantage of reduced costs for water, waste, and energy. They are also more resilient to price fluctuations and can future-proof themselves against potential legislation that may arise in the future. Many companies are also taking steps to adopt zero-waste policies too, in an attempt to lessen the impact they are having on the environment.
Going Green Offers NI Businesses Many Benefits
‘With customers now shopping around for companies that have green energy initiatives and zero-waste frameworks, companies can use their dedication to the environment to their advantage. Small businesses often struggle to compete with big corporate giants, and Ireland in particular is known for being a hub for start-ups. By adopting a no-waste and environmentally friendly approach, smaller companies can gain the edge and stand out, even in saturated markets. Sustainable NI is just one organisation that is helping companies across the country to do this. Sustainable NI is a not-for-profit organisation that has been operating for over 20 years. They are dedicated to helping voluntary groups, local authorities, and even businesses to make a positive change, meaning that it is now easier than ever for NI companies to apply more sustainable practices.
Challenges Associated with Going Green
‘Businesses in Northern Ireland, although stand to benefit by going green, may also find that it presents several challenges. Investing in sustainable practices, including renewable energy, can be expensive. Even though the country has several solar panel incentives, they’re yet to be adopted on a bigger scale. Businesses also face the decision of financing such investments, without compromising the financial stability of their business.
‘Other challenges include complexity. Businesses need to consider their environmental impact, as well as the impact on consumers, and their supply chain. Changing one process may have an impact on another. An example of this would be with packaging. Adopting an eco-friendly packaging material may result in a lower carbon footprint, but if the structural integrity of the packaging is not as good, then this could lead to a lower customer satisfaction rate. Striking the fine balance between all metrics is key, and it’s not an easy feat to achieve.
‘One way that small businesses are balancing everything is by going online. By making offerings available on mobile and online, companies are encouraging customers to browse digitally. The entertainment sector is a prime example of this. By moving online, the industry has been able to undergo rapid expansion, by offering more content and bigger promotions, while targeting a much bigger audience. Small businesses that operate within other sectors could benefit from lower fuel emissions from customers and fewer business overheads. Companies are also able to offer more diverse ranges of products, fuelling expansion and market dominance.
‘With sustainability being such a hot topic right now, it’s more important than ever for companies in Northern Ireland to make a positive change. Even start-ups need to take action to become advocates for sustainability because by embracing the challenges that come with it, it’s possible to future-proof both the company and the planet.’
Climate change is something that all society is having to deal with and the sooner we begin to make real changes to achieve net zero the better for everyone.
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