Business crime is an ever-present and worrying blot on the landscape in Northern Ireland, costing businesses huge amounts of money they can ill afford to lose and adding to their stresses and strains. So it is to be applauded that the police are looking to target business crime and have planned a week of action where they will have high visibility patrols in town and city centres to combat this threat.
In Contact With Local Businesses And The Wider Community

In the week the police will be in contact with both local businesses and the wider community, as well as having a strong presence on the streets, in a bid to pin down any local concerns and work towards a solution to reducing business crime. The police will also be holding Safer Business Action (SaBA) Days to deliver a range of crime prevention activities.
Tackling The Key Issues Of Business Crime In Our Communities
Chief Superintendent Darrin Jones is quoted in an article in the Belfast Newsletter as saying:
“The week of action is an opportunity to bring police and partners together to tackle the key issues of business crime in our communities.
“Each police area will be holding various crime prevention activities and initiatives to increase engagement with local businesses and retail outlets and tackle some of the most prolific offenders.”
He went on to voice his concerns about retailers not coming forward to report certain crimes to the police when they are committed, saying:
“We know under-reporting is an issue in all sectors of business crime. Please let us know if you have been a victim or you see something suspicious happening.
“Your report helps us target our resources, apprehend offenders and ultimately reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.”
And in the same report Retail NI chief executive Glyn Roberts is quoted, saying:
“Given the current economic climate, crime has a huge impact on retailers, particularly those smaller independents.
“It is important that retailers work in partnership with the police, keep their security procedures under review and ensure their staff remain vigilant”.
Unfortunately, as we seem to be heading ever nearer to recession, the likelihood is that more people will turn to crime as a way of paying the bills and this will lead to more business crimes. It is an inescapable fact that more poverty leads to more and more crime. Businesses and the police will have to stay vigilant at least for the foreseeable future.
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