This probably won’t be much of a surprise unless you have spent the last few months with your head in the sand, but recent figures show that consumer confidence dropped further in Northern Ireland as high prices for food and goods, along with high fuel and energy bills, really hit home. The whole of the …
Businesses Advised To Exercise Caution As They Negotiate The Difficult Economic Climate
With the double whammy of soaring inflation and reduced demand for goods and services as the general public struggle with the cost of living, a leading banking consultant has urged businesses to tread carefully over the next few months and to review their expenditure so that they can make cuts wherever they can. Navigating An …
Businesses Advised To Exercise Caution As They Negotiate The Difficult Economic ClimateRead More
Survey Shows Nearly Half Of Homes Are Worried About Paying Their Mortgage Or Rent
According to the latest rebuilding Britain index of 20,000 people here in the UK by Legal & General, almost half of them are becoming increasingly concerned that they will not be able to keep up with their mortgage or rental payments as the year progresses. And the least confident people of being able to pay …
Survey Shows Nearly Half Of Homes Are Worried About Paying Their Mortgage Or RentRead More
CBI Director Applauds Our Flourishing Cyber Security Sector
CBI Director in Northern Ireland Angela McGowan has lauded the cyber security sector, believing that many NI firms are leading the way with regards to cyber resilience. Writing in an article in the Irish News she writes that the CBI will continue to provide valuable support to all their cyber members. Northern Ireland Continues To …
CBI Director Applauds Our Flourishing Cyber Security SectorRead More
Sad Loss To The Business Community As Wrightbus Founder Sir William Wright Dies
Wrightbus founder Sir William Wright has died at the age of 94. He was a giant in the business community in Ballymena and he was knighted for his contribution to industry in 2018, having previously been awarded a CBE in 2011 for his services to the bus industry. He was also a Unionist politician of …
Sad Loss To The Business Community As Wrightbus Founder Sir William Wright DiesRead More
Overdue Invoices A Concern For Many Businesses In Northern Ireland
Latest research from insolvency and restructuring company R3 has shown that the amount of overdue invoices across the country has risen for the 3rd month in a row. Anybody who runs a business will realise that this of great concern as late payments can play havoc with your cash flow situation and cause real problems. …
Overdue Invoices A Concern For Many Businesses In Northern IrelandRead More
Mental Health Crisis Looms As Worries Over Cost Of Living Increase
A Mental Health Champion in Northern Ireland has warned that the increases in the cost of living are putting a huge strain on peoples well-being and are leading to a severe mental health crisis across the country. And while she welcomes any one-off payments to alleviate the financial strains that many households are experiencing, she …
Mental Health Crisis Looms As Worries Over Cost Of Living IncreaseRead More
16% Of People Now Working From Home In Northern Ireland
The Covid-19 pandemic changed a great deal of things for so many people. Some of the changes were temporary but some look like they are here to stay, not least being the fact that more people are working from home than ever before. Homeworking Has More Than Doubled Across The UK The Office for National …
16% Of People Now Working From Home In Northern IrelandRead More