It is easier for some businesses to reduce their carbon footprint than others. Any business that at present relies heavily on using fossil fuels to drive their industry will obviously find it much harder and it could take some time to make the transition to more renewable sources of energy.
Reducing Emissions Per Employee

In a report concentrating on the Green Jobs Barometer, Northern Ireland finished 11th out of 12 regions when it looked at the level of CO2 emissions per employee, so we clearly have much work to do to reduce these emissions to a satisfactory level. Conversely the region has the lowest level of emissions overall, however as it has a smaller workforce than the other regions in the report, it did not fare well with regard to emissions per employee.
More Jobs To Be Created In The New Green Economy Than Lost
An interesting part of this particular report by the PwC is that, although many workers are worried about how the transition to carbon neutral workplaces will affect their employment status, it seems as if this may not be borne out as there should be as many, if not more, jobs created in the new green economy as are lost.
Speaking about the barometer`s findings, Cara Haffey, partner PwC NI, is quoted on the Insider Media website, saying:
“This tool should focus minds and policies on the key areas that need to be dealt with to ensure Northern Ireland is not left behind in the transition. The barometer shows us how we’re doing compared to other regions and I’m optimistic that this is a challenge we are more than capable of meeting. We need only look at how some of our businesses in the transport and energy sectors, for example, are leading the way to know it can be done.
“With targeted policies and investment, a green future can be a future of employment for everyone and we can’t rest on our laurels because we are protected from losing ‘sunset’ jobs. Other regions are doing more to unlock the wider benefits from the creation of new green jobs the Executive establishes its Just Transition Commission in 2022, we should benefit from shared learnings elsewhere. It’s critical that action is not delayed.”
It is critical that we all heed the warnings that the earth is in serious danger of severe climate change if we don`t change the way we live and the way we conduct our business. It will not be an easy transition to a carbon neutral future but it has to be tackled and achieved.
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