Businesses in Northern Ireland who are eligible to apply for the top up support grants available, have until July 28th to do so. They must apply through the online portal that has been set up for this.
Aiding Businesses In Their Recovery

The top up grants are there to aid businesses in their recovery from the global pandemic that has ripped through Northern Ireland as well as the rest of the world. The businesses that are eligible for this particular grant are those that have received either the £10,000 Small Business Support Grant or the £25,000 Retail, Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Grant in 2020.
Applying Online Before The Due Date
Some companies will have automatically received these payments, but businesses that operate from premises where the landlord pays the rates, businesses that have relocated since they were paid the original grant and new businesses which started trading after May last year, all have to apply online before the due date if they want to receive the welcome top up that is available.
Finance minister Conor Murphy is quoted on this subject in an article in the Belfast Telegraph, saying:
“Over £70 million has so far issued in automatic top up payments to more than 13,000 businesses. While these businesses remained opened their footfall and trade was impacted by restrictions and so I was keen to ensure they received support,
“From today businesses which did not receive an automatic payment can apply for a top up grant payment.
“I have been determined to ensure support reaches as many businesses as possible. Businesses which started trading after the Small Business Support Grant and the Retail, Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Grant were issued last year will now be able to apply for the top up grant.
“I would encourage businesses to go online, check the eligibility criteria and to apply if they’re eligible.”
Don`t Miss Out On Any Grants You Are Eligible For
It would certainly be the height of foolishness to miss out on any grants that have been introduced that are there to support you in these difficult days, so if you have not yet received this grant and not yet applied, and you think you are eligible to get it, we urge you to apply for it as soon as you can.
If you require further information on this top up grant you can always contact our accountancy team and we will point you in the right direction and give you all the help and advice you require. give us a call on 028 3752 2909.
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