Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been making noises in the last few days about how it is morally essential to to get children back to school as soon as possible after the long break during lockdown and nobody can really argue with these sentiments.
Should There Be Another Lockdown Of Pubs & Restaurants

However there has also been a lot of talk about why the pubs and restaurants have opened so quickly and should there be another lockdown of these businesses to ensure that infection rates stay low when children go back to school.
It is easy to make an argument for children`s education being one of the biggest concerns, not to mention their mental health, as they have remained isolated from their fellow pupils during the pandemic. But does children going back to school have to be at the detriment of the pubs and restaurants?
A Further Lockdown May Tip Them Over The Edge
Many of these establishments are hanging on by their fingertips now they have opened up once again. The losses they have accrued during closure, allied to the fact that now they are allowed less people at any one time into their premises, means that a lot are just about breaking even right now, and a further lockdown will most certainly tip them over the edge into insolvency.
This would be a tragedy, so many of these businesses have worked day and night to make a living and they employ many people who would probably find it difficult to get another job in today`s economic climate if they were made redundant.
We Should Not Shut These Places Down Without Being Aware Of The Consequences
As long as all the pubs and restaurants are applying all the restrictions and doing everything by the book we feel that it is important for them and the economy as a whole that they stay open for business. We are talking about peoples livelihoods here and we should not shut these places down without being very aware of the awful consequences that would entail.
We are walking a tightrope right now, infection rates are creeping up in many parts of the UK as well as in some other countries in Europe, and although the hospital beds are not overflowing with Covid-19 victims at this moment in time we must all be very vigilant and keep to the social distancing guidelines and wash our hands frequently.
That`s all for now, all that there is left to say is that if you have a business that needs the help of an experienced accountants then give our offices here in Armagh a call on 028 3752 2909.
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