The global pandemic of Covid-19 has brought in a whole raft of changes to our everyday lives, from the closing down of community events and shows, to the concept of social distancing and the huge emphasis on sanitising our hands at every given opportunity. But the one biggest change has been in our working lives where a large percentage of workers are now working remotely from home.
Reduction In Harmful Emissions

Is remote working here to stay for many of these people, or when the threat of coronavirus fades will we see the vast majority go back to their offices? There are positives to the fact that many people are working from home, not least the chore of the daily commute to work, which has cut down on harmful emissions and given us a better quality of air in our towns and cities. Some people love working from home, they find it less stressful and they can look after their pets and take them for a walk during their break times. And of course there is money to be saved by not having to commute into work and pay for parking etc.
The Human Being Is A Social Animal
But remote working is not for everyone. The human being is a social animal and we miss that human contact and communication with our fellow workers that the office environment affords us. Zoom meetings are all well and good but it is no substitute for chatting with someone face to face in the flesh. We know that many people suffer with their mental health when they are distanced from their work colleagues.
There is no doubt that office life allows us to work collaboratively and creatively with other employees to get things done efficiently, brainstorm ideas around a table, and most importantly learn from colleagues around us. There may be some blend of remote working and office working as we move into the future but we do not think we have seen the beginning of the end for office working yet.
Forward Planning Is Essential
Businesses are in a very tricky situation at the moment. They have to balance the safety and mental health of their employees with the best way to get the maximum output from them. At WHR Accountants we can help you plan the best way forward for your particular business. Forward planning is essential to negotiate all the hurdles that will have to be overcome in the following weeks and months. If you need any help with your business get in touch with our accountancy firm here in Armagh by calling our offices on 028 3752 2909.
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