NI Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Cathal Geoghegan has made a wide ranging New Year statement, calling on all sides of the political debate to get together to ensure that public services in Northern Ireland are transformed, there is a focus on green growth as well as prioritising economic prosperity for all. As with …
The Advantages Of Engaging An Accountant To Deal With PAYE Management
In the complex landscape of payroll and taxation, managing Pay As You Earn (PAYE) obligations can be a daunting task for businesses. Navigating the intricate web of regulations, compliance requirements, and deadlines demands expertise. Employing the services of a qualified accountant specialised in PAYE can provide numerous benefits for businesses seeking efficient and accurate payroll …
The Advantages Of Engaging An Accountant To Deal With PAYE ManagementRead More
The Crucial Role Of An Accountant In Preventing Insolvency
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, maintaining financial health is a paramount concern. One of the key professionals instrumental in safeguarding a company’s financial stability is an accountant. The role of accountants goes beyond number crunching; they play a crucial part in helping businesses navigate the complex financial terrain and avoid the perilous path of …
The Crucial Role Of An Accountant In Preventing InsolvencyRead More
Pay Negotiations For Civil Service Staff Stalled Until NI Budget Is Finalised
Any pay negotiations for our beleaguered civil service staff have been put on hold until there is some sort of certainty over the budget that Northern Ireland has to play with. The budget is very much up in the air at this present time, the UK government have offered an overall figure of £3.3 billion, …
Pay Negotiations For Civil Service Staff Stalled Until NI Budget Is FinalisedRead More
Discussions Over But Deal Still On Table To Restore Executive Says NI Secretary
After a round of talks with all the parties concerned over bringing back a fully functioning Executive to Stormont, the Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris has said that, although agreement could not be reached, the deal is still there to be picked up in the New Year. He did say that there would be no …
Discussions Over But Deal Still On Table To Restore Executive Says NI SecretaryRead More
Value Of Goods Sales From Great Britain To NI Falls
Official figures from the NI Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) have revealed that the value of goods sales from Great Britain to Northern Ireland have dropped by 2.4% in 2022. In contrast, the value of goods imported from the Republic of Ireland, the wider EU and the rest of the world all increased. The Windsor Framework …
Value Of Goods Sales From Great Britain To NI FallsRead More
Proposed Financial Support Package From Government Dependent On Stormont Return
A financial support package totalling £2.5 billion has been put together by the UK government to ease the pressure on the Northern Ireland Executive, but the package will only be ratified once Stormont is up and running again. This of course is something that we have all been waiting for, however whether it will come …
Proposed Financial Support Package From Government Dependent On Stormont ReturnRead More
Increase In Economic Productivity In NI Unlikely To Be Long Term Say Academics
At first glance it seemed that, as Northern Ireland was driving forward and increasing its economic productivity, there were real signs of progress being made. But academics at Queen’s University in Belfast have poured cold water over the recent increase in productivity, suggesting that it was a one off event which happened as a consequence …
Increase In Economic Productivity In NI Unlikely To Be Long Term Say AcademicsRead More