The televised statement by Boris Johnson last night has brought in a wave of criticism, many critics believing the new rules to be too muddled with the possibility that it may leave the UK open to a new wave of infections. Is the new “Stay Alert” message strong enough for people to grasp or will it lead to some people being irresponsible with social distancing etc?

The Northern Ireland Economy & The Health Of The Nation
We all realise that the health of our nearest and dearest is the most important factor but, putting our accountancy heads on, we also realise how important the economy is to the health of the nation as a whole and to each and every one of us here in Northern Ireland.
So in that context, even if nothing else, the statement by the Prime Minister did provide us with some hope that many businesses may be able to start operating again, even if the way they operate will be significantly different than before the virus hit our shores.
Income & Health Intrinsically Linked
We should never forget that income and the health of the population are intrinsically linked, poverty does indeed costs lives, so it is absolutely imperative that we do get the cogs of industry turning as soon as we possibly, albeit in the safest way possible for all employers and employees.
It is a fact that the majority of the people who have the ability to work from home are in reasonably well paid jobs, which means that the vast majority of people who are out of work right now are some of the poorest in society and need to get back to work to feed their family and keep a roof over their heads.
Poverty can in some instances lead to children going hungry, people`s mental health suffering badly and domestic abuse rearing its ugly head. So we do need to ensure that people can get back to work as soon as possible so that they can provide for their families.
A Tricky Balancing Act Between Work & Social Distancing
It is a very tricky balancing act that the government and all of us have to manage in that we need to get the economy up and running again but at the same time sticking to the social distancing rules and keeping the vulnerable in our society safe and healthy.
But these are the cards we have been dealt with and so we need to do this to the very best of our ability.
Finally, if you have a business that needs some guidance right now on the financial implications that the coronavirus pandemic has thrown up, and how best you can negotiate through the next few weeks and months, please give us a call for a free initial consultation on 028 3752 2909.
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